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24 Hour Crisis Line: 252-338-3011 or click here to Webchat 


Domestic violence and sexual abuse can be difficult subjects to talk about, but raising awareness is critical to changing existing attitudes and preventing further abuse.  Albemarle Hopeline’s education, training, and public awareness opportunities in the six county service area include:

  • Professional trainings for businesses, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations
  • In-service presentations for healthcare providers, school professionals, law enforcement and mental health/substance abuse clinicians
  • Community presentations for educational, civic, community and religious groups
  • Public service campaigns including Domestic Violence Awareness Month every October and Sexual Assault Awareness Month every April
  • Tabling at community events, volunteer fairs and academic settings to provide education about domestic and sexual violence and Albemarle Hopeline services

If you would like to request an Outreach opportunity from Albemarle Hopeline, please fill out the request form below.  Once your request is submitted, a representative from Albemarle Hopeline will contact you to confirm. Please note requests are reviewed on a bi-weekly basis.  You can also call Albemarle Hopeline at 252-338-5338 to schedule a training, presentation or table event.

First Name *
Last Name *
Agency Funding Provided By:
  • NC Council for Women
  • NCCF
  • Camber Foundation
    Camber Foundation
  • Perna Rose
    Perna Rose