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Moving forward and taking legal action against an abuser takes a lot of courage, and you do not have to go through this experience alone. Our court advocates can provide guidance and support to victims considering filing criminal charges or seeking a domestic violence protection order (DVPO). Advbcates provide victims and survivors with information and options, and empower clients to make choices that are best for them. 

Court advocates cannot provide legal advice but they can assist victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking in a number of ways:

  • Listening to your story and providing information about your legal rights and the options available to you.
  • Providing you with information about the criminal and civil justice systems, and helping you to prepare for court. 
  • Assisting with filing for a domestic violence protection order: court advocates can explain this process, assist you with completing the necessary paperwork, and accompany you to hearings. 
  • Providing you with emotional support.
  • Helping you to get in touch with law enforcement and other proper authorities, if you so choose.
  • Accompanying you to court appearances.
  • Assisting with filing for Victim’s Compensation benefits.
  • Connecting you with other services and resources.
Agency Funding Provided By:
  • NC Council for Women
  • NCCF
  • Camber Foundation
    Camber Foundation
  • Perna Rose
    Perna Rose